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Booking & Appointment Policies 

We want to make sure that you and all other guests are provided with a quality experience which is both timely and professional. To ensure reliable and consistent services for all of our guests, please be aware of the following booking and appointment policies.


All Appointments must be booked online via our booking page



If any changes need to be made to your appointment, please notify us at least 24 hours in advance to avoid additional charges. This allows us enough time to offer that time slot to another guest and notify our technicians of their new schedule so that they can plan their day accordingly. Missed appointments (NO SHOWS) will be charged in full to the credit card with which they were held; appointments canceled or changed within the 24-hour window are considered LATE CANCELLATIONS, and you will be charged 50% of the service. If we are unable to provide your service due to non-compliance with our appointment policies, it will count as a late cancellation and you will be charged accordingly. A credit card number is required to hold all reservations.


Clients who have no-showed for appointments will be asked to prepay in full when booking future appointments.


Refunds: LB does not offer refunds on any services provided. 


  • Please Arrive Early:

Every appointment has an allotted time reserved especially for that guest, and we want you to get the most out of your appointment time. If it is your first visit, please arrive at least 10 minutes before your appointment start time to complete all necessary paperwork without cutting into your session time. For all returning guests, please arrive at least 5 to 10 minutes before your appointment time to check-in, get situated, and be ready to go for your full allotted session time. 


  • Guest are not allowed: 

Please DO NOT bring any guest with you to your appointment, our location is limited in space.


  • Late Arrivals:

Arriving late will cut into your session time and may result in additional charges if your appointment has to be canceled. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your appointment time, your appointment will be canceled and you will be charged 50% of the service fee, per our late cancellation policy (see below). Out of respect for other guests, we cannot cut into another guest’s appointment time to make up for your lost appointment minutes if you are late.


  • Cell Phones:

Should be turned onto silent mode and put away to minimize distractions and potential hazards—this is especially crucial for eye and brow services, which involves the use of tweezers and adhesives around the delicate eye area, and therefore requires a great deal of focus and precision on the part of our technicians. Please be courteous and respectful of your technician’s time and work by keeping your phone on silent until you have left the session room. We reserve the right to refuse service if you use your cell phone.

During your appointment, you must remain as quiet and relaxed as possible unless you feel discomfort. This will help get you through your appointment as fast as possible. 



  • Deposits & Payment:

We require a deposit for all services. The deposit is non-refundable and will be applied to towards your service. If you No Show or Late Cancel, your deposit will be forfeited. If we are unable to provide your service due to non-compliance with our appointment policies, it will also result in a forfeiture of your deposit.


To avoid an additional $5 processing fee, the balance of your service can be paid at the time of your appointment via VENMO or CASH. If you choose to pay the balance of your service with Credit, Debit or PAYPAL an additional $5.00 fee will be applied. 


Eyelash Services


  •  $35 Makeup Removal Charge:

Please arrive without any eye makeup and do not curl your lashes on the day of your appointment. If at all possible, avoid applying mascara on the day of your appointment. If you do have mascara on, make sure to wash it off thoroughly before your appointment time, and do not use an oil-based makeup remover, as leftover oil residue may result in premature shedding due to a weaker bond between the extensions and your natural lashes. Do not use waterproof mascara or eyeliner. There is a $35 fee if our technician has to remove eye makeup, and it may cut into your session time.


  • Eye Contacts:

If you wear contacts, please bring a contact case, as contacts should not be worn during the lash application process. Further, we recommend that you wait 12 to 24 hours after your service before wearing your contacts again to minimize potential infections or irritation to the eyes.


  • Lash Fills:

Must be booked a max of three weeks out from the date of the last service. If at any time you have less than 50% extensions per eye, the purchase of a full set will be required.

If it has been more than 3 weeks since your last appointment, the purchase of a full set will be required regardless of how many lash extensions you have remaining—lash extensions need professional grooming by a qualified technician at least once per month in order to be in maintained in proper condition so that a fill can be applied successfully.


Anything past 3 weeks or less than 50% of the lashes left will be considered a New Set and charged as such. NO Exceptions


  • Mini Fills: 

A mini fill is ONLY 30 minutes of nothing but adding in more lash extensions. Mini fills are perfect for a quick touch up. Please remember that there is NO cleanup or removal of old extensions during this appointment so it can not take the place of getting regular fills, normal fills will still be required 2-3 weeks from your last regular fill. Only one Mini Fill is allowed between regular fills. 


  • Foreign Fills:

Unfortunately, we do not fill lashes from another salon. We cannot guarantee the work of other salons. If you already have eyelash extensions from another salon, you will need to book a removal. Following your removal, you may schedule an appointment for a full set.



Please schedule your fill appointments accordingly

Your natural lashes shed regularly. To maintain the look of your full set, lash fills are recommended every two weeks. We can only work with whatever time has been booked.







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